Buy the Official release of:
The Sun Rises on the Truth film
by Gina I. Sosa Suarez:

I embarked on this film journey from a promise to my mother, and my mother to my father, and my father to his Brothers and Sisters in Arms. The opportunity to one day tell their true life stories of what they and their families went through in the darkest period of Cuban History, in their generation. Much has been written, much has been said, yet those who truly fought in the mountains of La Sierra Maestra; have never really spoken their Truth.

This will be one of the many film projects we will embark on. The first must be in honor of The Constitutional Armed Forces of Cuba, the plight and exodus of so many Cubans in 1959 to the date. In their words, or their families!

To begin to heal 66 years of Cuban history, we must start with the men, women and their families who were murdered with no due process, who have been thrown in jail, who have been falsely accused and who lost everything. We will not judge, we will tell a story, to bring justice to light; for everyone deserves to tell their Story.

Sincerely yours, Gina

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